Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Violence in Middle East and Islamic PR in US

Gary Fouse

This first appeared in Eagle Rising.

Saturday morning, we awoke to the news of another Islamic terror attack in Europe, this time in Copenhagen. The target? Swedish Mohammed cartoonist Lars Vilks and fellow panelists at a free speech event. Thus, Charlie Hebdo comes to Denmark. Where will be the next attack? By the time we find out, hundreds more people will have died in senseless and horrific attacks all over the Middle East.

And as we await the next Boston Marathon-style attack in the US, the Islamist lobby here is in full PR swing. Not only do they react with each foreign attack with hastily-arranged events in which speakers condemn the latest attack, but insist that it has nothing-absolutely nothing- to do with Islam. They know that their audiences will be filled with many gullible non-Muslims who are only too eager to gobble up the words of peace but too intellectually lazy to read the Koran in depth or study the life of the Prophet Mohammad in order to make sense of it all. If they would just do some background research on the speakers they are listening to instead of blindly believing that they are "bridge-builders". The only bridge these much-ballyhooed speakers want to build is a bridge to an Islamic caliphate under sharia law.

But there is more. February is Black History Month. The cynical opportunists have latched onto this to link it with their favorite charge of Islamophobia. They are trotting out Ferguson, Treyvon Martin and other police shootings and linking them to the charge  that America is racist against blacks and racist against Muslims-even though Islam is hardly a race. Add to that the recent tragic murders of three Muslim students near the University of North Carolina campus by a deranged jerk who was in a rage over a parking space. As I write this, there is nothing to show that this was an act of someone who simply hated Muslims. The guy apparently hates everybody.  No mind. There is an agenda here and a narrative that must be presented to the public and the world that America is Islamophobic and Muslims in America are not safe.

Instead of celebrating people like Martin Luther King, the radicals in academia are trotting out Malcolm X, a man who did nothing to help bring about integration in America. Left unsaid will be the fact that Malcolm was murdered by Nation of Islam members on the orders of Elijah Mohammed because Malcolm had left the Nation of Islam and was exposing the corruption and sexual abuses of the "Honorable" Elijah Mohammed. Audiences will also hear implications that Malcolm was instead a victim of some murky white conspiracy.

Universities are lining up speakers and panels all over the country to explain to their students all the things that are evil in the world, America, capitalism, Israel-you name it. They will use power point presentations to explain how there is a link between how Israel treats Palestinians to the shootings of Michael Brown, Treyvon Martin, and the choking death of Eric Garner by the NYPD.

This, Dear Reader is what higher education in America has degenerated into.

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