Monday, April 20, 2009

A Milestone!

Tommorow is the 1 year Anniversary of Monkey in the Middle. But since it is also Yom Ha Shoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day), I will post this today instead of tomorrow.

Who would have thought a blog with the name of a children's game would turn out to be one that would have nothing to do with children or games, but politics and foreign affairs instead.

It was with a bit of trepidation and fear that I wrote this post:
Welcome to Findalis' Monkey in the Middle.

Monkey in the Middle is a children's game played with 3 children an a ball. The rules are simple. 2 children throw the ball to each other and the 3rd child is between them and tries to catch it.

But there are times I feel like I'm playing it as the Monkey with the truth as the ball, and the throwers those who would distort the truth.

Here I will attempt to sort out the truth from the fiction and lies. There will be no spin or propaganda here.

Hopefully you my reader will find this site an informative one and will visit it often.

Thank you.
For the past year we have seen many changes. A Presidential election, a war in Israel, the radicalization of Congress, and the destruction of an impartial media.

I have tried to bring you my understanding of the events of the day, without spin or hype. I hope I have succeeded.

I hope that this next year I will bring the same truthfulness to even more of you.

When I started a year ago I had but a handful of people reading this blog. And although my readership is small, I have managed to achieve over 71,000 hits. I thank you all, considering that I didn't think any one would read Monkey in the Middle at all.

I've had a good year and hope that the next year will be better!


auntybrat said...

You done good! CONGRATS!!!

Faultline USA said...

Congratulations! You've done a great job and keep up the great posts for years to come!

cary said...

Happy Anniversary, Findalis. You're doing a great job!

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Congratulations! More power to you.

Sabra said...

Happy ONE YEAR, Findalis!!!