Thursday, August 21, 2008


Every fetus is the potential of human life. That potential has a right to grow to maturity if it can. Thus the moral dilemma that many women have. Thus in seeing that a fetus is a potential human, I personally cannot destroy that possibility. Nor would I willingly to do so.

Why is it that even the most ardent supporters of abortion in the US Senate such as Hillary Clinton, Barbara Boxer and Ted Kennedy supported the Born Alive Infants Protection Act. Yet Barack Hussein Obama not only didn't support it, but voted against it 3 times.
On the agenda was Senate Bill 1082—one of 16 pieces of legislation introduced between 2001 and 2005 in the General Assembly related to the so-called born-alive issue. The idea, promoted by foes of abortion, was to confer the rights of personhood upon any fetus expelled or extracted from the womb if that fetus was capable of breathing or voluntary motion, or if it had a heartbeat.

It was similar to a federal "born-alive" bill that had passed the U.S. Congress with overwhelming support and was signed into law the previous year. But there was a key difference. As introduced by Urbana Republican Rick Winkel, SB 1082 lacked the flowery "neutrality language" that had been added to the federal bill to reassure abortion-rights supporters that the bill had nothing to do with that issue.

So Winkel asked Obama's committee to add that same "neutrality language" to his bill. In accordance with legislative tradition, the 10 members present voted unanimously to approve Winkel's amendment. And then, after some discussion, they voted 6-4 along party lines to kill the bill.

"The feeling of the majority was that the bill still created great uncertainty about whether it would compromise abortion rights" in Illinois, said Sen. Jeff Schoenberg of Evanston, one of six Democrats, including Obama, who voted no.

But Obama was far from the only state lawmaker who needed stronger assurances that these bills were not Trojan horses: Seven more bills related to "born-alive" failed in the General Assembly in 2004, and Obama had nothing to do with those bills. And in 2005, when Obama was in the U.S. Senate, a "born-alive" bill passed easily in Illinois when specific wording was added, over the objections of abortion-rights foes, saying it would not affect state law regarding abortion.
Yet he claims that life is precious to him. To Senator Obama there is no piece of legislation that he supports that would prevent a child from being murdered. And yes Senator, this is murder. I am not a raving pro-life proponent. Although I have a personal repulsion of abortion, I cannot in good conscience force my beliefs and opinions on another person. Especially with such an choice that is to be made. But we have to draw the line someplace. And that line for me is when the fetus is able to live on its own outside the womb. Once that criteria is met, it is no longer a fetus, but a child. And must always be protected by society from being murdered.

Doctors have a moral duty to save life, but when all known tests show that the fetus has died and has not been expelled by the mother's body, they also must have the courage to induce labor.

I have had the procedure that was mentioned here. This happened just after I passed my 4th month of pregnancy. I had it to expel a fetus that had died and my body had not expelled. This is a child both my husband and I wanted and loved. Its loss was great, as was our grief. To some this would have been considered an abortion, but would they consider it an abortion if my body had expelled the fetus by itself? I was blessed a year and a half later by becoming pregnant again and having my daughter. I don't feel that this was an abortion and feel that G-d was with us there in the hospital as I lost that child, and when we mourned for its loss.

While there is no easy answer, Obama's was way off target. Life is a precious gift from G-d. Abortion destroys that gift. And no one has a right to destroy the gifts that G-d brings us.


Miss Beth and Carla said...

Thank you Katie. And no, even in my Catholic faith, it is not considered abortion if a child dies and the body does not deliver the child. Sometimes, Nature needs some help and that is how Catholics have always viewed it. Nor is it considered abortion when a family experiences the devastation of a miscarriage. And yes it is a devastation--but it certainly wasn't something decided upon by the family. In my faith, abortion is premeditated and calculated as it has to be thought about and decided.

To leave a child to die like that, though--God, I need to be sick. Such a precious gift, thrown away like trash. And Hussein supports that.

The man is truly evil.

Findalis said...

Not evil Miss Beth, but a man without a conscience. I wonder if he even has a soul at times.

Wsmith said...

Linked to your post from Obama History on Abortion and Infanticide

Maggie Thornton said...

It's impossible to imagine what is in a person's heart to believe that care for a dying child is too burdensome for the mother.

This is an ugly thing.

Maggie's Notebook

CKAinRedStateUSA said...

Yes, Katie, Barack Obama, or Barry Soetoro, or whatever his real name is evil, as you say. Evil, as in morally bad or wrong, or depraved.

And, yes, Findalis, he also has no conscience.

As for soul-less? He has one. It just apparently belongs to the Prince of Darkness, rather than the Prince of Peace.