Friday, August 1, 2008

A Newt One Campaign: Air Pressure Gauges For Obama

The people of the A Newt One Blog have begun to spearhead a campaign in support of Sen Barack Hussein Obama (sarcasm, naturally).
We are asking one and all to go to your nearest WalMart, KMart, convenience store or auto motive supply store and buy the cheapest air pressure gauge that you can find and send it to Sen Barack Hussein Obama.

Sen Barack Obama -
713 Hart Senate Building
Washington, DC - 20510


From Monkey in the Middle:

I did this today when I went out shopping. Plus sent one to his Chicago office. The addresses of his Illinois offices are the following:


John C. Kluczynski Federal Office Building
230 South Dearborn St.
Suite 3900 (39th floor)
Chicago, Illinois 60604


607 East Adams Street
Springfield, Illinois 62701


701 North Court Street
Marion, Illinois 62959


1911 52nd Avenue
Moline, Illinois 61265

Let us get those tire gauges out to him today!


Thoughts, Ideas, and Things said...

This is only going to solidify how dumb this campaign has gotten. I mean, I am suppose to go out and buy an air gauge and then mail it to Obama and this means what? I own a tire store and I know what a huge difference the right tire pressure can do for mileage. I am sorry, I try to be a good Republican but, this is just stupid.

Findalis said...

By buying a tire gauge and sending it to him you are protesting his energy policy. A policy that does nothing to relieve the gas crunch of today.

Many of us already know to keep our tires properly inflated and to keep our engines well tuned. But it isn't the answer to our energy needs. It will and does help your mileage, but it doesn't bring down the price of gas.

This is a symbolic gesture to the candidate.